
At Lovers’ Lane we have purchased an online scheme of work called Purple Mash. Purple Mash is a cloud-based platform for primary-aged children. It contains a wide range of age-appropriate, creative software tools for writing, drawing, coding, animating, blogging and much more. In addition to these programs, Purple Mash provides resources and lesson activities, which can be set for pupils to do at home. Feedback on their work can then be provided to the pupil and all the work is stored online, within Purple Mash. 

This scheme enables our pupils to achieve the learning objectives which have been issued in the National Curriculum. Each child from Year 1 through to Year 6 has been given their own individual log in details so that they can use Purple Mash at home as well as at school. 

Computing Key Documents


Here is a short video for parents explaining how we use Purple Mash in school:

Useful information for parents: