Values & Ethos (including British Values) 

Values and Ethos

Our school values were created around our SWAN logo and core values of Show Respect, Work Together, Aspire and Nuture.. TEAM SWAN also stands for our houses in school, which are named after local roads near our school: Sleaford, Warburton, Appletongate and Northgate.

The central vision for our school continues to a place:

“Where every child shows respect, works together, aspires and is nurtured, so they can achieve their potential with confidence and pride”.

School aims

For all children to be confident readers and writers, supporting them to access a rich curriculum, where high quality teaching in all subjects supports them to know and remember more.

For our children to know ways to keep themselves and others safe, show kindness and empathy and to strive to do their best as proud learners and citizens.

Long term vision

Children leaving Lovers’ Lane have the social skills, academic foundation and ambition required to support the achievement of their aspirations and widening of their interests as they become successful young adults.

British Values

In accordance with The Department for Education, we aim to actively promote British values in schools to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. Pupils are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its law.

The Key Values are:

  • Democracy
  • Rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect
  • Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

At Lovers’ Lane Primary and Nursery School we are committed to serving the local community. We recognise the multi-cultural, multi-faith nature of the United Kingdom and understand the crucial role our school plays in promoting these values across our diverse school community and local area. We are a school for everyone!


Children are involved in Democratic processes, for example all the pupils vote for the School Learning Council in class elections

Our school values are core to all we do and are used to reinforce all learning, including promotion of British Values and valuing difference.

The Rule of Law:

We have a clearly structured behaviour policy which all stakeholders understand and follow

We regularly review behaviour incidents in school and share these with key stakeholders

Assemblies are delivered with a focus on the law, for example safety awareness, E-safety awareness and Anti-bullying and we have a very strong working relationship with our local PCSO, who also comes into school and leads assemblies and works directly with classes. He also supports enrichment events, such as reading stories on World Book Day.

Our pupils also benefit from a very comprehensive and well-planned PSHCE curriculum, which includes learning such as DARE project, linking to drugs and the law.

Our pupils are encouraged to ‘Work together’ and ‘Aspire’, as well as to ‘Show Respect’, which links this value to our school ethos and core SWAN values.

Individual Liberty:

Children have key roles and responsibilities in school, such as School Learning Councillors, breathing ambassadors, play leaders and library monitors.

Within school, children are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment.

Children are taught to Show Respect and Nurture one another.

Mutual Respect:

Respect is embedded within our whole school ethos within our school values. ‘Show Respect’ is promoted in all we do and is reinforced with class dojos and pupil rewards points.

We have a clear ‘Respectful Behaviour’ policy for adults, as well as children, which is in place to ensure our value of ‘Show Respect’ is lived by everyone as a model to the children.

Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs:

We have a high number of EAL children in our school community and actively work with our parents and community to promote their learning and celebrate the diversity our school.

We have enrichment days and House days, which are an opportunity for Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Learning and also promote British Values. Curriculum planning factors these opportunities into lessons too.

We value a broad and balanced curriculum and welcome visitors in school who can promote a range of faiths, beliefs and cultures.

Our ‘Work together’ value and ‘Nurture’ underpin work in promoting tolerance and difference.