Welcome to our Wraparound care page
At Lovers’ Lane Primary & Nursery school, we offer breakfast and after-school club to Reception to Year 6 children.
Both need to be pre-booked and fees are charged to your parent pay account.
Breakfast Club
Breakfast club is open from 7.45am and children can be dropped off until 8.30am.
Children are able to have breakfast, with a choice of cereals, yoghurts, breakfast bars and fruit.
Breakfast club is charged at £4.00 per session.
For further information or to book your child a place, please email the school office at office@loverslane.notts.sch.uk
After-school Club
After-school club is open until 4.15pm. Children have access to a range of activities at after-school club including outdoor activities, iPads or mindfulness colouring.
After-school club is charged at £3.00 per session.
For further information or to book your child a place, please email the office with regards to after-school club on office@loverslane.notts.sch.uk