Governors Information & Structure
See below the downloadable documents about the governors
Hello and a very warm welcome from the governing body of Lovers’ Lane Primary School.
The Governing Body has seen several changes over the Spring Term.
Mrs Janice Addison has agreed to take on the Chair of Governors role. A retired Executive Head and experienced governor, has joined as an associate with specific oversight of school improvement.
Mrs Diane Poole continues as safeguarding and health and safety governor and has a wealth of experience in this field.
Mrs Elizabeth Duffell has taken the Vice Chair role. She has experience in Early Years and English, utilising her vast knowledge having recently retired from primary headship.
Mr Richard Davison has a background in accountancy and is already impacting on standards ensuring we comply with financial regulations.
Mr Tom Fox and Mr Max Geldard, from a local secondary school who are willing and eager to support us with curriculum and aspects of health and safety.
Mrs Nicholson is our new staff governor.
As a newly formed group we will work with Mrs Graham and Miss Hodgkinson to ensure the best experiences for your children and will do whatever it takes to help all children reach their potential and be happy in
The next formal Governors meeting will be in October 2024 and the Governing Body will be looking at children’s progress and how we can help them further. In addition, we are looking at the learning environment in order to determine how this can be improved.
Structure and Responsibilities of the Governing Body at Lovers’ Lane Primary and Nursery School
The Governing Body of Lovers’ Lane Primary and Nursery School meets on a termly basis as a Full Governing Body to make decisions concerning the overall direction of the School. The members are drawn from various backgrounds and it is always the intention of the Governing Body to be as open as possible in fulfilling its aims. Their main role is to support the Headteacher and staff; the phrase often used to describe the role is ‘a critical friend’. The Governing Body is not responsible for the day to day operation of the school – that is a matter for the Headteacher.
The governors legal duties include:
In Spring Term 2022, governors approved a change of delegation and moved to x 2 Full Governing Body meetings per term, subsuming committee delegation into the Full Governing Body scheme. Pay Committee has been retained and it does not include staff governors as it deals with issues relating to staff pay.
Register of Business Interests
The Governing Body has a legal duty to act only in the interests of the school. Where a situation arises in which a governor cannot do this due to a personal interest, steps are taken to identify, prevent and record the conflict in the governing body minutes. A declaration of interest is included on every governing body meeting Agenda. In addition to this all governors complete a declaration annually.
Lovers’ Lane Primary and Nursery School Governing Body Structure
There are several categories of governor appointed by different groups who have an interest in the school.
Constitution of the Governing Body
The governing body must be constituted in line with the School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2003. These regulations cover the number and type (category) of governors that make up the governing body.
There are Co-opted Governors, Local Authority Governors & Parent Governors at Lovers’ Lane Primary and Nursery. The governing body has a current constitution of eleven governors consisting of:
Some of the governors take on several roles which can be seen below.
Miss Jenny Hodgkinson
Vice Chair of Governors/Headteacher
Mr Richard Marshall
Chair of Governors
Mrs Amy Graham
Acting Headteacher
Mrs Janice Addison
Co-opted Governor
Mrs Cath Morrison
Co-opted Governor
Mrs Diana Poole
Co-opted Governor/Health and Safety Governor
Mrs Elizabeth Duffell
Co-opted Governor/Early Years and English Governor
Mrs P Nicholson
Staff Governor
Mr Richard Davison
Co-opted Governor
Mr Tom Fox
Co-opted Governor
Parent Governor
Mr Max Geldard
Co-opted Governor
If you need to contact the Governors for any reason (other than can be dealt reasonably by the Head Teacher), please email Mrs Janice Addison on
Copies of minutes from Governor meetings are available at the school office. Please ask if you would like to see them. Note: A copy of meeting minutes are available after the meeting at which they have been approved.
See below the downloadable documents about the governors