How do admissions work at Lovers’ Lane Primary and Nursery School?
At our school, we welcome visits to the school from all prospective parents. We are proud to give you a tour of our super school and answer and questions you may have.
Admissions to Nursery
Admissions to our Nursery unit are managed by the office in liaison with our EYFS Lead/Nursery Reception teacher is Mrs Ellis.
Following a tour of the school and meeting the staff, we will provide you with an information pack, which contains information about the school, expectations, uniform and all the forms you will need to complete to apply for your child’s place. It is possible for you meet our school cook on this tour of the school and discuss any dietary requirements your child may have if they are coming to Lovers’ Lane and will be having school dinners.
How do you apply for a Reception place or Junior school place at Lovers’ Lane Primary and Nursery School for September 2024?
Our admissions from Reception onwards are controlled by Nottinghamshire Local Authority, not the school directly, so we are never able to tell parents whether or not we have a space for your child. Parents can ask directly about this and how to apply for a school place by clicking the link below or by phoning admissions on 0300 5008080. Admissions made online are preferred.
All known Nottinghamshire children eligible for Reception or Junior School place in September 2024 will be sent an application pack to their home address in Autumn 2023. You can apply for a Reception or Year 3 place for September 2024 between 6th November 2023 and 15th January 2024.
Children who live outside of Nottinghamshire should contact their home local authority for information about applying. Any families new to Nottinghamshire need to visit to make an application.
Please see the link below to apply for your child’s school place online –
In-Year Admissions – Reception-Year 6 – 2023-2024
In-year admissions are are not controlled by the school, but by the Admissions Team at the Local Authority. Please see below for information on how to apply for a in-year place at our school.
The new School Admissions Code 2021 came into force on 1st September 2021 and all admission authorities are required to comply with the mandatory requirements of the Code.
In order to comply with the new requirements, Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC) as the admission authority for community and voluntary controlled schools has varied its arrangements for 2022-2023. The variations were approved at Children and Young People’s Committee on 26th July 2021.
These are detailed below:
Community and Voluntary Controlled School Admission Arrangements 2022-2023
We recommend that parents apply online at
School admission arrangements 2025-2026 – Nottinghamshire community and voluntary controlled schools
Nottinghamshire County Council’s (NCC) admission arrangements for 2025-2026 were approved on 5th February 2024. Following a call-in period of 5 days, the arrangements are now determined and available on the public website, –
Included below are the links to the arrangements for all relevant admission arrangement information for the following 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 admission:
- Determined admission arrangements 2023-2024 –
- Determined admission arrangements 2024-2025 –
The admission arrangements for all own admission authority schools in the Nottinghamshire area will be made available on our public website when they are received by the County Council.
Objections to admission arrangements for 2025-2026 of both maintained schools and academies can be made to the Schools Adjudicator who may investigate admission arrangements of any school that the Adjudicator considers do not, or may not, comply with the mandatory requirements of the School Admissions Code or the law. Further details are available on our website.
If you have any further queries, please contact
How to Apply for a School Place at Lovers' Lane Primary and Nursery School
Our admissions are controlled by Nottinghamshire Local Authority, not the school directly, so we are never able to tell parents whether or not we have a space for your child. Parents can ask directly about this and how to apply for a school place by clicking the link below or by phoning admissions on 0300 5008080. Admissions made online are preferred.
Apply for your school place and find the information you need here:
First Admissions (Reception) and Infant to Junior transfers (Year 3) – September 2022
Applications for first admission (Reception) and transfer from infant to junior/primary (Year 3) for September 2022 opens on Monday 8 November 2021 for children living in Nottinghamshire.
Children who are 5 years old between 1 September 2022 and 31 August 2023 or who are transferring from an infant school (Year 2) to junior education (Year 3) in September 2022, and require a school place for September 2022, need to apply before the closing date of Saturday 15 January 2022.
All known Nottinghamshire children eligible to apply will be sent an application pack to their home address week commencing 8 November 2021. Children who live outside of Nottinghamshire should contact their home local authority for information about applying. Any families new to Nottinghamshire need to visit to make an application.
We recommend that parents apply online at, they will then be able to view the outcome of their application on National Offer Day 19 April 2022. Please read the over subscription criteria carefully for your preferred schools and use all 4 preferences.
Please visit website where you will find a wide range of useful information regarding the admissions process in the Admissions to schools: Guide for parents 2022-2023 and the Admissions to schools: School information 2022-2023.
How do you Apply for a In-Year for a School Place at Lovers' Lane Primary and Nursery School?
For information about how to apply in-year, please see link below: