On this page you will find lots of useful tips and activities to help you support your child(ren) at home with their Reading.
Our last Reading and Phonics drop-in for parents was on Tuesday 6th March with Mrs Watts. Watch out for the date of the next one…Come along to share ideas, get some top tips and learn a bit more about how we help the children read in school to help you at home.
5 tips to help your child fall in love with reading
1. Choose books that your child is genuinely interested in.
This may sound obvious, but asking a child to read about robots if they love trains isn’t going to have the same impact!
2. Pick a quiet and appropriate time to read
Creating a relaxed environment can really help to ease the pressure some children face when asked to practice their reading.
3. Talk about the story
It is important to make reading more than just about ‘practicing reading’. Remember that books are stories! Talk about what is happening in the story ‘what do you think this book is going to be about?’ ‘What do you think will happen next?’ are great questions to engage your child in the storybook.
4. Identify tricky words first before you start reading
Once you start to read regularly you will learn the words that they will find tricky depending on their level. Reading the trickier words together before you start reading will give your child confidence when they see that word during the story.
5. Give them time to figure out the words
Giving your child time to figure out the words and not rushing them will increase their confidence. It is important for children to learn the process of how to read words. That is how phonics works. Ask them to take their time, sound it out and blend it back together.