We ask that parents and carers wear a face covering if possible and leave the school site quickly at drop off and pick up times. Your support in this is appreciated – thank you.
Access to school is for essential contact only and anyone entering the school site will be asked to wear a face covering.
Visitors are asked to wear a face covering and lateral flow test before arrival to ensure a negative test result.
Staff will wear a face covering in communal areas, however they will not wear them in their classroom or work areas.
Children of primary school age are not required to wear a face covering.
Hand sanitiser stations are located around the school, so that children, staff and visitors can ensure we minimise the risk of transmission and handwashing continues to be encouraged.
Social distancing continues to be encouraged wherever possible, in and around school and also at drop off and pick up times.
We continue to have enhanced cleaning regimes around school.
Breakfast and After School Club continue to run as normal.
Classes are running as normal with mixing at lunchtime, playtimes and in assemblies, however a contingency plan is in place (Outbreak Management Plan), where we will introduce tighter restrictions, such as class bubbles and removal of mixing at breaks, lunchtime and moving assemblies to online if an increase in COVID cases dictates that this is required.
Thank you for your continued support, please do not hesitate to contact the school office if you have any queries or concerns.
Whole School COVID Risk Assessment – Updated January 2022
COVID-19 Whole School Risk Assessment – Lovers Lane – updated January 2022